Tommee Tippee Super Soft Dummies Recalled Over Safety Fear
There are concerns the product could pose a choking risk
By Practical Parenting
August 12 2016
Tommee Tippee has recalled the new style of its 12 month+ Super Soft Comforters due to concerns it could pose a choking hazard.
On their website they write:
"Since a relaunch of this product in May we’ve received feedback from some parents concerned about potential problems caused by the shield being smaller than before.
We’ve taken these reports very seriously, so have carried out a full investigation to reconfirm that we were happy the item met our requirements on safety. The new design does meet the mandatory Australian safety standards, but our objective is that our comforters should go beyond that to ensure our customers are using the safest possible products.
We have concluded that this comforter does not meet that objective, and it is therefore not something we are happy to continue selling. We will be redesigning it with a larger shield.
We fully appreciate that some little ones will be very dependent on their comforter, so we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience this will cause. The safety and reliability of this product is however our overriding concern, so we hope you can understand why we have decided recalling the product is the right thing to do."
For more information, go to the Tommee Tippee website.