Toddler's message to baby brother with cancer is heartbreaking

So sad!

March 10 2017

#Throwback to when we were on our holiday. I was getting ready in the bathroom and husband was in the kitchen. The kids were quiet, especially Mr preschooler. You know the rules about when kids are quiet. I tiptoed to the lounge with my camera ready to catch anything they are doing. I was expecting my baby to be covered in Nutella or something but instead I saw this. My preschooler is telling his baby brother "Kuya (big brother) is here. Everything is ok". #myboys #bestbigbrother #documentinglittlemoments #mybabyloves #myheartandsoul #luckymummy
#Throwback to when we were on our holiday. I was getting ready in the bathroom and husband was in the kitchen. The kids were quiet, especially Mr preschooler. You know the rules about when kids are quiet. I tiptoed to the lounge with my camera ready to catch anything they are doing. I was expecting my baby to be covered in Nutella or something but instead I saw this. My preschooler is telling his baby brother "Kuya (big brother) is here. Everything is ok". #myboys #bestbigbrother #documentinglittlemoments #mybabyloves #myheartandsoul #luckymummy

Thomas was born with a mark on his right arm that at first they thought was just a birthmark.

However after further testing it was revealed he has a malignant tumour on his kidney, and his birthmarks were also from his cancer.

He also has tumours in his lungs, and in his leg bones.

"Oh darling, I'll make it better". The love he has for his baby brother grows deeper everyday. #mumofboys #familyholiday #littlewarrior #documentinglittlemoments #bigbrother #littlebrother #purelove
"Oh darling, I'll make it better". The love he has for his baby brother grows deeper everyday. #mumofboys #familyholiday #littlewarrior #documentinglittlemoments #bigbrother #littlebrother #purelove

Speaking with Daily Mail Australia the couple say they think William understands that his little brother won’t survive.

'He is aware that Mummy and Daddy are very sad because Thomas is not well,

'William also said that maybe the doctors can't help his baby brother, that's why Mummy and Daddy are sad. So we think he knows in his own way.' 

Those eyes. He loves cuddles and so do I #lovehimso #mummyblogger #documentinglittlemoments #makingmemories #mybabylove #fuckcancer
Those eyes. He loves cuddles and so do I #lovehimso #mummyblogger #documentinglittlemoments #makingmemories #mybabylove #fuckcancer

Despite knowing their boy will be leaving them soon, the family say he has already taught them so much about what’s important.

‘We often get caught up in our own little world of first problems and we sweat the small stuff, or complain about things that don't matter,

'We forget how to be grateful of the things and life we have. We must live with a purpose, gratitude, and magnitude of love.' 

After a sobbing mess that i was while I watch my Thomas sleeping, I hovered down to give him a kiss while aiming for a selfie and to my surprise he woke up and instantly smiled. I love him so much it hurts. #documentinglittlemoments #thomasjamesmiguel #terminalcancerwarrior #mybabylove #iwanthimforeverinmyarms
After a sobbing mess that i was while I watch my Thomas sleeping, I hovered down to give him a kiss while aiming for a selfie and to my surprise he woke up and instantly smiled. I love him so much it hurts. #documentinglittlemoments #thomasjamesmiguel #terminalcancerwarrior #mybabylove #iwanthimforeverinmyarms

This article originally appeared on that's life!