Kate Ritchie Questions The Best Way To Wean Her Daughter Off Her Dummy

Decisions, decisions

Parenting Commentator / October 20 2016

Very serious chat in bed this morning 👶🏼💕 Are we leaving the dummies out for the fairies to collect one night or dropping them at the local police station today? #hercall #bigdecision #alsohappytoburytheminthegarden #morningcuddles #best
Very serious chat in bed this morning 👶🏼💕 Are we leaving the dummies out for the fairies to collect one night or dropping them at the local police station today? #hercall #bigdecision #alsohappytoburytheminthegarden #morningcuddles #best

Kate recently said she loves spending time alone with her daughter so much that she fears becoming a “hermit”.


Source: New Idea.

I grew up in New Zealand, moved to London in my early 20s to work on British newspapers then moved to Australia when I was pregnant with my first child. I write a newspaper column, celebrity interviews and a parenting page. I also do TV and radio commentary, podcasting and host corporate events. I’ve also published a book on parenting, The Smallest Things. However, my greatest role ­­– and the one I’m most proud of – is parenting my daughters, Eliza and Lilibelle, who are 17 and 14.